Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Guest Parking?

you come to visit.
We have created a guest parking area in the front parking lot. Just look for the big “FIRST TIME GUEST PARKING” sign on the lamppost!
What is there for my Kids?
We love our Kids at Central! We have wonderful programs, leaders, and curriculum to introduce and foster the love of Jesus throughout every stage of childhood. Our Nursery and Children’s Ministry Directors are very pro-active in regards to the safety and protection of our children. We have a strict check-in process, all of our leaders have passed background checks, and every room has been carefully analyzed to provide a safe environment for learning. We feel strongly that parents are the primary faith-trainers of their children and we have the tools and curriculum to help you with that process.
How do I join the Church?
We love New Members! When you have prayed about and discerned that Central is the place you want to call your church home, we have an easy process to add you to our family officially. We have New Member Classes several times throughout the year and ask that you attend one. This is a Sunday afternoon meeting where the Pastors have the chance to meet you and introduce you to all things Central – our history, our ministries, our staff, and our beliefs. We even feed you dinner! When you are ready to inquire, just contact our Associate Pastor, Scott White and he will answer your questions and get you on the list for the next class.
How do I join a Group?
We love our Small Groups at Central! Our main opportunities to be involved in a small group are Sunday School and Community Groups. We have lots of places for you to be involved in a class that fits you. Sunday School has two times that classes meet on Sunday – 8:15am and 11:00am. Community Groups meet in homes and times vary throughout the week. We also have opportunities throughout the year for small group Bible Studies led by the Men’s, Women’s, and Marriage & Family Ministries.
Who is Central Baptist Church affiliated with?
Central Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention ( on a national level and the Tennessee Baptist Convention ( on a state level. Locally we are affiliated with The Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association ( Please see our Statement of Faith for more information about what we believe.
How do I Contact the Church?
We love to answer your questions! You can call or come by the Church during our office hours: Mon-Thurs. 8am – 4pm. Our Administrative Receptionist will help direct your question to the proper staff member.
How do I Become a
Ministry Partner?
We love our Ministry Partners! When you have decided Central is the place for you to serve we would love to plug you in to the ministry that is best suited to your unique gifts. There are a LOT of places to serve at Central and we strongly encourage every Member in Ministry!
Is your Facility Available
to Rent?
Depends on your request.
Regarding weddings: Our current policy is to only allow our members to be married in our facility.
Regarding Events: Our staff reviews all requests for the use of our building. For profit businesses are not allowed to use our facilities to solicit funds, sell items or services. Non-profit businesses are allowed one fund-raiser event with approval. Any event’s music and content will be reviewed for adherence to our Christian values. Please visit the Registrations and Forms tab to complete the request form.